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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of SN2, SND, SND, SND, SND, SND, SND, SND, SND

File Type:Sound Club file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:File extension is used by Sound Club.
Open Programs:

Sound Club

Company / developer:

Sound Club for Windows 95 and Windows NT was the sequel to Sound Club for DOS. Its features included:

  • Fully digital sound processing.
  • 16-bit CD quality stereo playback.
  • Virtually unlimited number of voices playing simultaneously.
  • Intuitive way of representing music.
  • Real-time editing and recording.
  • Support for MOD and S3M music file formats.
  • Direct export of music tracks to WAV files.
  • Instrument bank of over 500 instruments.
Sound Club for Windows addressed several problems and suggestions that were pointed out by the users of its predecessor:
  • Removed instrument size limit
  • Removed the limitation for number of simultaneously playing voices
  • Removed pattern size limit
  • Support for 16 bit instruments
  • Loading and saving instruments as .WAV files
  • S3M import/export with improved conversion algorithm
File Type:Amiga IFF/8SVX Sound
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Amiga IFF/8SVX sound format. Old file format.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Generic sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Most applications and software used .SND file extension as generic for their sound files.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:AKAI MPC-series sample file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:12, 16-bits, mono,stereo sound format. AKAI MPC-series samples.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:NeXT sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Sound format used by NeXT oerating system.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

Nextstep was the original object-oriented, multitasking operating system that NeXT Computer developed to run on its proprietary NeXT computers ("black boxes") such as the NeXTcube. Nextstep 1.0 was released on September 18, 1989 after several previews starting in 1986. The last version, 3.3, was released in early 1995, by which time it ran not only on Motorola 68000 family processors, but also IBM PC compatible x86, Sun SPARC, and HP PA-RISC. Apple Inc.'s Mac OS X is a direct descendant of Nextstep.

File Type:Resource Fork sound
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:The resource fork is a construct of the Mac OS operating system used to store structured data in a file, alongside unstructured data stored within the data fork. A resource fork stores information in a specific form, such as icons, the shapes of windows, definitions of menus and their contents, and application code (machine code). For example, a word processing file might store its text in the data fork, while storing any embedded images in the same file's resource fork. While the resource fork is probably used the most by applications and other executables, every file is able to have a resource fork.
Open Programs:

Mac OS X

Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Introduction to Mac OS X

Ever wonder why people get so attached to their Mac? Think Mac OS X. At the core of every Mac, Mac OS X is what makes your digital life more simple, more productive, and just plain fun.

It’s easy.

Mac OS X is a celebration of simplicity and common sense. No complicated menus. No obscure commands. Most tasks can be accomplished with just a click or two. And if you ever need guidance, there’s a built-in help system to light the way. Oh, one more thing: Mac OS X is simply breathtaking — and easy to personalize with desktop pictures and screen savers.

It’s advanced.

Making amazing things simple takes seriously advanced technology. Mac OS X is built on a rock-solid UNIX foundation, delivers true 64-bit performance, and incorporates industry-leading animated graphics. The beauty is, you don’t have to know what one word of that means — just start up your Mac and enjoy it.

It’s amazing.

More than an operating system, Mac OS X is a collection of very cool applications. It comes with everything you need to surf the web, send beautifully designed email, video chat, and organize your personal information.

It’s secure.

In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility. Just go about your business and Mac OS X minds the fortress. Your documents are safe even if you share your Mac with others, and you can keep your kids safe by using a rich set of parental controls.

It’s compatible.

It’s a big world out there, and Mac OS X fits in perfectly. It runs Microsoft Office. It has built-in drivers for cameras, printers, and external drives. It plugs right into a PC network. And in case there’s a PC application you can’t live without, Mac computers can even run Windows. Mac OS X is compatible with everything — most of all, you.

File Type:Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple Macintosh sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Sound file, old format used in early versions of OS systems (Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple).
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Sun Microsystems, Inc.


SunOS is a version of the Unix operating system developed by Sun Microsystems for their workstation and server computer systems. The SunOS name is usually only used to refer to versions 1.0 to 4.1.4 of SunOS. These versions were based on BSD Unix, while SunOS version 5.0 and later are based on UNIX System V Release 4, and are marketed under the brand name Solaris.

File Type:Unsigned 8-bit PCM sound data
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8-bit RAW sound format.

Mime: audio/basic
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Unix sound file, similar to AU
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Unix Audio (.au) files are UNIX-generated sound files.
A sound (. snd ) file is an interchangeable sound file format that is used on Sun, NeXt, and Silicon Graphics computers. The file typically contains raw sound data that is followed by a text identifier.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Sun Microsystems, Inc.

File Type:Faust Music Creator file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Faust Music Creator by FAUST.
Open Programs:

Winamp with AdPlug plugin

Company / developer:

Winamp with AdPlug plugin

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music and video player for Windows. Winamp supports MP3, CD, WAV and other audio formats, custom appearances called skins, plus audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins. additional features including free-form skins, a new decoder, built-in cross fade, and an advanced Media Library.

AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback.

AdPlug itself is just the backend to many different audio player frontends, which are also being developed here. There are plugins for popular audio players, like Winamp and XMMS, as well as stand-alone players for many different systems available.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC